Interdisciplinary and international Centrally located on the Campus

Modern research is complex and based on intensive communication between research scientists. The new building, which was inaugurated in May 2013, enables such close networking through an outstanding building and laboratory concept. With approximately 10,600 square meters of space and state-of-the-art technology up to international standards, it provides ideal conditions for research. A quarter of the area – called the “White Space” – is at the disposal of varying highly qualified junior research groups.

The immediate proximity of the CECAD research groups, clinicians, and the Max-Planck-Institutes on campus, has allowed a unique center for aging research to be established. Cologne University Hospital patients benefit from the systematic transfer of findings from the university’s cutting-edge research to new clinical therapies at a university hospital providing high-end medicine.

A path on campus connects everything from the main university building to the University Hospital’s ward block – and the CECAD Research Center is located as a connection right on this student walkway. On the ground floor, the path within the public domain leads through the building and connects to the glazed communication space on one side. Research requires communication – and communication increases in both frequency and intensity in proportion to proximity. As research groups moved into the Center, interdisciplinary cooperation increased tremendously, providing great opportunities for research.

Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schermer CECAD

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schermer

Managing Director,
Principal Investigator Nephrolab Cologne

+49 221 478 890 30


CECAD Forschungszentrum
Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26

50931 Cologne
